One Truth That Brings All Men Closer To God

September 29, 2021
In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, Sam and John discuss the crisis of masculinity and gender confusion that is predominant in society. What did God create in a man that is essential and what is non-essential? Is there a stature of man that is physically more representative of the Image of God? We discuss how society affects men, their images, their self-worth, and how this is what is really toxic to masculinity.

Chivalry In The Modern World

September 22, 2021
In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, Sam and John meet with the one and only Charles Coulombe to discuss modern chivalry. They discuss the death of chivalry and how society is in desperate need of more chivalrous men. They go into how an allegiance to the Church and all her teachings is at the essence of authentic knighthood and masculinity.

The Secret To Being A Successful Man

September 15, 2021
In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, Sam and John discuss some incredibly rich traditions within the Catholic Church and the sad decline in our modern times to actively practicing them. These practices have been either marginalized or forgotten but have great value for the Church and our individual pursuit of holiness.

Catholics, Alcohol, And Drinking

September 8, 2021
In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, Sam and John discuss some incredibly rich traditions within the Catholic Church and the sad decline in our modern times to actively practicing them. These practices have been either marginalized or forgotten but have great value for the Church and our individual pursuit of holiness.

How to Drink Like a Saint

September 6, 2021
While researching Drinking With the Saints, I was looking for what drinks I could recommend on certain feast days of the liturgical year. What I did not expect to discover was a lesson in how to drink them. That lesson can be distilled into five key points. To drink like a saint—that is, to enjoy alcohol the way it was meant by God to be enjoyed—one must drink…

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