Category: Announcements
UPDATE: The Catholic Gentleman Book
April 24, 2019
For some time now, I have been talking about the release of my book, The Catholic Gentleman: Living Authentic Manhood Today. I originally was informed by my publisher that the release would take place at the end of April, around Easter. Amazon also reflected this release date, and many of you who pre-ordered the book […]
Catholic Men, Let’s Rise Up
February 12, 2018
Being a man today can be confusing. We are shamed for our “toxic masculinity” and told we should be less masculine if we want to get ahead in life. Fathers are mocked in TV and movies, and men in general are often portrayed as either low-functioning, ill-bred beasts, or as cruel and violent. Add to […]
It’s Here! Be Not Afraid Quote Book Now Available in Paperback!
November 27, 2015
The popular e-book Be Not Afraid: A Book of Quotes for Catholic Men has been available for months, but many of you have been asking persistently for a paperback version. After a lot of hard work behind the scenes, I am happy to announce the paperback version is finally here! Buy Now This compact little book is the […]
A Fraternitas Update
June 12, 2015
At the beginning of the month, I announced Fraternitas, a community for Catholic men. If you missed the announcement, here are the basics: For a low monthly fee, Fraternitas will help you build your Catholic library, meet other brothers in Christ, form a local chapter in your community, and give you access to exclusive webinars with […]
Coming Soon: Fraternitas, a Place for Men
June 1, 2015
One warm summer night, I sat with a group of Catholic friends inside a local pub. The low light shone dimly on the wood paneled walls, the air thick with the roar of conversation. “A toast to the kingdom,” one of said as we clinked our frothy pint glasses, filled to the brim with various […]
Today: Prayer Rally for Purity
July 1, 2014
Of all the problems faced in today’s culture, one of the most devastating is rampant impurity. Pornography is ubiquitous, children are sexually active, TV and movies are filled with explicit scenes, the contraceptive mentality reigns, and the list goes on. And despite popular opinion to the contrary, these sins are never private. How we think about sex […]
A Unique Opportunity: 33 Days to Morning Glory
March 25, 2014
I just wrote about my devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and today, I’d like to share a Marian devotion that can help you grow closer to Jesus. It’s Marian consecration using the bestselling book 33 Days to Morning Glory. (Believe it or not, there’s already 2 million copies of this book in print.) If […]
Introducing The Gentleman’s List
November 15, 2013
Since beginning this blog, I have received countless requests to promote various apostolates, Facebook pages, news articles, books, and causes. Many of these are excellent and worthy projects, but due to the volume I receive, I can’t possibly share them all. To allow you to promote your projects while not overloading readers with constant promotions, I am launching […]
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