Category: Happiness
Smash Your TV — and Your Smartphone While You’re at It
October 1, 2024
The television and all technology can diminish the abundant life that Jesus calls us to live. Why not take radical measures to free ourselves from enslavement to a box in our living room?
Attention and the Distraction Addiction
June 2, 2017
There are two ways to go through life: Mindfully or mindlessly. In the first instance, we pay attention. We see things and notice them in order to appreciate them. We hear things in order to understand them. We seek to know things not superficially but in their wholeness. We live in the present moment and […]
The Measure of Success
March 10, 2016
Everyone who wants to be a failure, please raise your hand. That’s what I thought. We all want to be good at what we do, to be competent and respected and admired. We even spend large amounts of money on things we don’t need in order to show off just how successful we are. But we […]
Six Ways to Live a Joyful Life from St. John Bosco
February 26, 2016
If there’s one undeniable fact about human nature, it’s that we all want to be happy. We crave joy—infinite, endless joy. The problem is, we often look for happiness in all the wrong places, leaving ourselves frustrated and miserable. The plethora of wildly popular self-help books shows that we are hungry for guidance on how to live well. […]
Lose Yourself: Finding Freedom in Mary’s Risky Yes
December 7, 2015
Did she really say that? Did she really mean it? I keep turning back to Luke 1:38, “And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.’” I take a few minutes to present myself before God in silence. When my mind wanders, I return to […]
Jesus: The Joy That You Seek
July 16, 2015
“It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of happiness…” – St. John Paul II It is the feast of the Passover. Jerusalem is packed with thousands upon thousands of pilgrims from all over Israel, and in fact, all over the world. They come to celebrate God’s deliverance of his people from oppression and […]
Beer, Sex, and the Quest for Happiness
January 28, 2015
What is the one desire you and I all share? What is the one thing we want above all else? Happiness. The desire to experience lasting happiness is universal. Almost everything we do as human beings can be traced back to our quest for it—and perhaps no one understands this better than those in the […]
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