Category: Combat
A Pilgrim on the Way: My Journey on the Camino de Santiago
June 3, 2020
The Camino de Santiago changed my life entirely and the experience continues to bear fruit. There are a myriad of events speak to me, but three faces rise up from the depths of my heart, from shadow to light. These seem to hold the essence of my sojourn: the Child, the Old Man, and the […]
Rules of the Game: Commandments and the Spiritual Life
May 1, 2019
Watch any sporting event—from football to tennis to Mixed Martial Arts— and you will notice something significant: The inevitable presence of referees. Referees exist to enforce the rules of the game, for any sport worth watching has rules, and sometimes complex rules at that. Rules ensure fair play, but they also give the athletes boundaries […]
Give Up Porn for Lent
February 10, 2016
I know, I know, I’ve been writing about porn and purity a lot lately. But there’s a good reason—It’s a HUGE problem. When 64% of Christian men admit to watching porn at least monthly, and at least 21% of youth pastors admit to being addicted, there’s no point in pretending it isn’t happening. As my good friend […]
4 Out of 5 Catholic Men Confess This Sin
January 12, 2016
They confess to looking at pornography and masturbating. It’s awkward, I know, to say it so candidly, but the only way to defeat pornography in our lives is to admit that we have a widespread problem with it. Vice, Firmly Entrenched By the time I was in high school, the habit of lusting after women via […]
Spiritual Weapons: The St. Benedict Medal
February 17, 2014
In Scripture, St. Peter tells us to be sober and watchful because, “your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). The devil is real, and he wants to destroy you and me through any means possible. That’s why it’s so important that we fight back with […]
The Catholic Guide to Self Defense
January 25, 2014
Imagine you are looking for a parking spot at the mall on a busy weekend. You finally find someone pulling out of a spot, and once it is empty, you pull into it. But because there is a lot of traffic, you didn’t see another driver who had been waiting for the same spot for 5 minutes. […]
15 Heresies and the Manly Saints Who Fought Them
December 5, 2013
The history of the Catholic Church is full of all sorts of heresies that have assailed the truths of the faith. From the earliest days of the Gnostics and Docetists all the way down to the Jansenists and Quietists of later centuries, it seems there has never been a shortage of heretical thought. But in […]
Let’s Talk About Porn
October 17, 2013
Let’s talk about porn. I know it it’s an uncomfortable subject, but ignoring it will do no good. The fact is, pornography addiction is a massive and growing problem—especially for men. If you don’t believe me, here are some shocking statistics: 12% of websites online are pornographic Every second, over 28,000 people are looking at […]
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