Category: Lifestyle
Four Tips For Discerning Your Vocation
December 31, 2024
Discernment is not an exact science. There is no mathematical formula to finding out what God has in store for your life. However, by speaking with God, listening to Him, living the life you have now, removing distractions so that you can hear Him clearly, and getting help from others, you can better understand what God is saying to you.
Why All Males Need Rites of Passage
December 17, 2024
A rite of passage is necessary for boys to become men. They often need to be public and striking like an African tribe sending a boy out to kill a lion. It is cultural and needs a decision compared to the physical and natural rites of passages of women.
Big Families Are Not Enough
October 29, 2024
Too many fathers have adopted the same approach with their families, “planting the garden” but ignoring the ongoing and focused work so desperately needed in their home. Stewarding the growth of children is a father's obligation.
Is It Good For Man To Be Alone?
October 22, 2024
How many people are turned away from their vocation due to fear of loneliness? It is important when thinking of this question to understand the difference of solitude and isolation.
The Transgender Movement Is Especially Dangerous for Boys
September 25, 2024
The call to masculinity is a tall one. From fear or lack of masculine formation, young men feel they do not 'measure up' to this call. Secular society offers an easy and cheap way out of this battle: transgenderism.
Men Need Adventure: How the Christian Adventure Differs from the World’s
June 12, 2024
In an adventure, we look forward in expectation of something new and exciting, which will break us out of our routine of boredom. It implies that we are looking for something; that we expect something exciting to happen.
Modesty Is for Men Too
January 24, 2024
Clothes should focus us on our dignity. Clothes direct people to our faces and therefore foster personal relationships. Clothes have a moral, not just a practical purpose. A good question for dress, then, is whether it is “personal” or objectifies us.
Two Acres and a Cow: Our Back to the Land Adventure
September 20, 2016
My wife and I have had a dream for several years. We’ve dreamt of a little house in the country with a few acres, a big garden, and some chickens—a life close to the land and in touch with the rhythms of the earth. We’ve envisioned a place where we could learn to work with our hands […]
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