Category: Worship
From Noise to Prayer
January 14, 2025
"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven." Prayer is not easy. Battles from the noisy world and not knowing where to start hold most of us back from engaging God daily. Let's change this reality.
Catholics Don’t Go to Mass Because Dad Doesn’t
December 10, 2024
We’ve all heard the grim statics about the Church and our children maintaining the Catholic Faith. A standout part of these studies is a Father's overwhelming impact on improving the likelihood of their child following Jesus.
Why Catholic Worship Appeals to Men
November 8, 2023
When well-meaning liturgists and priests feel they have to make everything in the liturgy emotionally relevant and “meaningful” to everyone, many men switch off. When Father Fabulous insists on being emotionally entertaining in the liturgy he is likely to please the women while the fellas roll their eyes.
A Pilgrim on the Way: My Journey on the Camino de Santiago
June 3, 2020
The Camino de Santiago changed my life entirely and the experience continues to bear fruit. There are a myriad of events speak to me, but three faces rise up from the depths of my heart, from shadow to light. These seem to hold the essence of my sojourn: the Child, the Old Man, and the […]
Digital Masses and Johnny Cash on the Pain of Lonely Sundays
March 21, 2020
Note: This is the opening of the forthcoming issue of Sword & Spade. It is being published here exclusively because of its ties to an upcoming Sunday that is potentially without Mass. As this issue nears printing the coronavirus is forcing many into “social isolation” to slow the pandemic. Whatever your opinion of such measures, […]
How Irish Monks Saved the World (From the Dark Side)
July 6, 2018
Modern historian and commentator Kenneth Clark said in his popular BBC show Civilization, “Western Christianity survived by clinging to places like Skellig Michael, a pinnacle of rock [seven] miles from the Irish coast, rising seven hundred feet out of the sea.” It’s an intriguing claim, crediting the solitary monastery on Skellig Michael with a role in the […]
The People of the Cross: The New-Martyrs of Egypt
April 10, 2017
Yesterday, Palm Sunday, was the beginning of Holy Week. Worshippers of the ancient Coptic Orthodox Church in Tanta, Egypt were gathered together, palm branches in hand, to remember the Lord’s entry into Jerusalem and the beginning of his Passion. Without warning, an explosion violently rocked the front row of the church, spraying the attending priest with […]
The Sanctuary
September 1, 2016
Turmoil surrounds us. Chaos is ever present. Terrorist attacks, violence in our cities, political anarchy, threats of wars, and so much more. And that is not to mention the inner turmoil we experience—the many stresses of our daily lives, relationships which are frequently broken, and emotional wounds. No wonder many are plagued by anxiety. It […]
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