Category: Events
Blessed King & Emperor Karl von Habsburg
September 6, 2022
After World War One [1914-1918] had been underway for 2 years, the long-reigning emperor of one of the warring empires --Austria-Hungary--died and the throne was succeeded by his grandnephew, Karl, a visibly saintly man, who spent his precious two years on the throne making multiple offers for peace that were rejected. This caused the war to be extended two more years and millions of more deaths. In 1918 WWI came to an end, the empire was dismantled with the help of masons and other anti-Catholics here and abroad, and Karl and his wife, Empress Zita, were arrested and literally shipped 2000 miles away to a Portuguese island called Madeira off the coast of west Africa, with their seven children following later. He died there soon after, in penury, at the age of 34, leaving his pregnant wife of ten years, the Servant-of-God Empress Zita, and seven young children.
2022 International Gregorian Chant Conference
August 8, 2022
Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Msgr. Alberto Turco, Dr. William Mahrt, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, Dr. Edward Schaefer, Fr. Chad Ripperger, Fr. Mark Bachmann OSB, Mr. Nicholas Lemme... these are the speakers of the online International Gregorian Chant Conference, Sept 25 - Oct 2, hosted by the Gregorian Chant Academy.
How to Drink Like a Saint
September 6, 2021
While researching Drinking With the Saints, I was looking for what drinks I could recommend on certain feast days of the liturgical year. What I did not expect to discover was a lesson in how to drink them. That lesson can be distilled into five key points. To drink like a saint—that is, to enjoy alcohol the way it was meant by God to be enjoyed—one must drink…
BBQ Etiquette for the Catholic Gentleman
June 24, 2021
As we start enjoying vernal and summer evenings, the great Canadian barbecue season has arrived. As Catholic gentlemen, we can partake and share such an important culinary and social tradition to renew and foster bonds, friendships and Catholic values.
We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood: The Spiritual World and the Events of History
January 7, 2021
Our nation is again in turmoil, reminding me just how frequently in recent days I’ve had to write posts about the upheavals of our times. Nevertheless, I do not wish to opine on the events that have transpired this week. I will leave that to those who are more proficient at such commentary. I do, […]
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