Category: Lent
Selfless Self-Preservation
March 13, 2024
Temperance is also more than “moderation in all things.” Plenty of things don’t need moderating – like love and goodness. Temperance is not just balancing ourselves between extremes, or keeping mild instead of intense.
Consecration Prayer to St. Joseph
March 13, 2023
O St. Joseph predestined and chosen by God from among men, you received the glorious honor of being the chaste, guardian of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. Inflamed with divine love you received her as your beloved wife and through her God bestowed upon you the most privileged distinction of being the virginal father of God the Son.
Peace, Be Still: Making the Most of the Storm We Face
March 18, 2020
Fear is a mental and spiritual virus. It spreads faster and more efficiently than any airborne disease. Its symptoms are at times anger, aggression, isolation, despair, irrationality, loss of faith, and clouded judgement, among other things. And if there is one emotion that dominates the world at this time, it is a deep and abiding […]
A Simple Lent: 5 Ways to Focus on What’s Important
March 4, 2020
Life is complex. As a husband and father, blogger, podcaster, full-time employee, and full-time graduate student, it often seems like the responsibilities I face continue to multiply endlessly, while the time allotted to accomplish them does not. No sooner do I make progress in one area of life, than another domain for which I am […]
The World is on Fire. Here’s What You Can Do to Help.
March 18, 2019
Even a cursory glance at news headlines is enough to plunge one into anxiety. Mass-killings. Inflamed, hate-filled rhetoric. Mutual mockery. Revelings in perversion. Moral debauchery. Religious persecution. Terrorism. Scandals. These are the defining marks of our age, it seems. And that is not to mention the polarized cacophony of insults and vitriol that social media […]
This Lent, Feed the Hunger Within
March 4, 2019
When we think of Lent, it rarely calls to mind feeding our desires. Rather, for those who fast or engage in other penitential practices, Lent feels like a a seasons of denying our hunger and of mortifying desires. Perhaps it is even a season where we feel physically hungry for the first time in a […]
Catholic Men, Let’s Rise Up
February 12, 2018
Being a man today can be confusing. We are shamed for our “toxic masculinity” and told we should be less masculine if we want to get ahead in life. Fathers are mocked in TV and movies, and men in general are often portrayed as either low-functioning, ill-bred beasts, or as cruel and violent. Add to […]
Repentance and Cleaning House
March 23, 2017
I am the father of three children four and under. It is always startling to me, though it shouldn’t be at this stage, how quickly things can spin out of control. A perfectly clean house that took a great deal of effort to tidy up can nearly instantly be destroyed by our children with hardly […]
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