Category: Uncategorized
What Former Occultists Want Catholic Men to Understand
September 27, 2023
So we must pray more every day. We must spend more time in focused, faithful conversation with God. We must be alert to secret pride within us, and crucify it immediately with penance and acts of humility. We must block out the evil that bombards us by steeping ourselves in sacred wisdom, sacred images, and sacred chant. We must trade our bedroom slippers for the rough boots of spiritual trench warfare.
Your Wife Doesn’t Feel Loved: 8 Warning Signs
January 1, 2023
A wife’s number one need is to be secure in love. Notice the nuance. Not just loved… She wants to be “Secure” in her husband’s love. Certainty is the key element. A wife who is certain of her husband’s love for her will make her husband feel loved. She will be more confident, which affords […]
In Praise of Dispassion
August 16, 2022
Some of the best advice ever given is that one ought to think twice before speaking. But we seem to have lost a vital component necessary to think even once: restraint. We’re not restrained, because many believe that blurting out the first thing that pops into one’s head is a sign of “authenticity.” It’s not.
How to Drink Like a Saint
September 6, 2021
While researching Drinking With the Saints, I was looking for what drinks I could recommend on certain feast days of the liturgical year. What I did not expect to discover was a lesson in how to drink them. That lesson can be distilled into five key points. To drink like a saint—that is, to enjoy alcohol the way it was meant by God to be enjoyed—one must drink…
Liturgy and the Living Tradition of the Heart
August 16, 2021
Did you know that approximately every seven years, every cell in your body is replaced by entirely new cells? When this happens, it is no exaggeration to say that you have an entirely new body. And yet, you are the same person both to yourself and to others. Similarly, an adult human being looks quite […]
Strength in Vulnerability
July 6, 2021
So many men today walk around as if they have it all figured out and they don’t have a problem in the world. The “strong” silent type if you will. I know this for a fact. I used to do the same thing. So much of my life was spent walking like a one man army, convincing myself that I didn’t need anybody or anything.
BBQ Etiquette for the Catholic Gentleman
June 24, 2021
As we start enjoying vernal and summer evenings, the great Canadian barbecue season has arrived. As Catholic gentlemen, we can partake and share such an important culinary and social tradition to renew and foster bonds, friendships and Catholic values.
Jesus the Redeemer
May 12, 2021
It would be very strange if a child ever whipped out his checkbook to reimburse his parents for bringing him to life. One could try to put a dollar amount on the medical bills, the nursery expenses, the food consumed, the diapers ruined, the hourly rate of the parent. But this is all an obvious absurdity.
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