Category: Technology
Smash Your TV — and Your Smartphone While You’re at It
October 1, 2024
The television and all technology can diminish the abundant life that Jesus calls us to live. Why not take radical measures to free ourselves from enslavement to a box in our living room?
Now is the Time: Live Differently from the World
August 7, 2024
To all of those who thought we could scrape by without much fuss—continuing to live quietly in the midst of the world, living our Christian faith without any conflict or much attention—that time has passed
Talking At Each Other
July 31, 2024
Human beings are profoundly communal, and it should come as no surprise to us that friendship is a sacred gift we all desire. But not all friendships are the same.
A Digital Etiquette – A Catholic Guide for Using Social Media
March 30, 2022
We believe that the Church is an “instrument” of “the unity of the whole human race,” but Catholic Twitter would seem to profess otherwise. Catholic social media as a whole can often seem like a hotbed of division, calumny, and rancor. This state of affairs shouldn’t be surprising given the amount of heretical ideas and schismatic solutions floating around ecclesiastical spheres. But what then can be done? Should we censor ourselves then and only speak about non-divisive issues? Not if we are going to be faithful to the Truth of the Gospel.
We Need This Virtue Because Screens are Changing Us
January 29, 2020
Will you make it through this article? You have been re-programmed in the media-saturated age of consumerism and internet galloping to skim this article. You’re here to grab enough of it to sense a completion after reading, perhaps gaining a sense of gained knowledge, maybe feeling part of a tribe or something. I’ve been trained […]
Just Say No to Alexa
January 17, 2019
“Man is the only animal nature has endowed with the gift of speech.”– Aristotle, Politics It is estimated that almost a quarter of American homes have a voice-enabled ‘smart speaker,’ and experts predict that over half of households will within a few years. The lion’s share of these devices are Amazon’s Alexa. A closer consideration of […]
Can I Live Without The Internet For A Month? I’m About To Find Out.
July 19, 2018
Since I was sixteen, nearly two decades ago, I have gone online almost every day. Starting August 2, for one month, I’m going off. No email, no social media, no keyboards, no podcasts. No audio books, no video memes, no texts. Not a single smiley-face emoticon. Nothing. Smart phone powered down and stuck deep in […]
Gentlemen Don’t Text and Eat
July 20, 2013
Technology is apart of our lives like never before. We now carry in our pockets the ability to watch breaking news from around the world, see Aunt Erma’s cat in Alabama, or share pictures of our culinary adventures on Instagram. While this technology is incredible, it can be a mixed blessing. The Good The printing […]
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