Category: Feasts
International Buy a Priest a Beer Day is Almost Here
September 18, 2020
Did you know that this Sunday, September 20, is International Buy a Priest a Beer Day? We are now in our 7th year of this glorious festal day. On this auspicious occaision, faithful Catholics all over the world take their priests out for a beer and get to know them better. It’s a beautiful Catholic […]
St. Joseph the Essential Worker
May 1, 2020
My grandfather was a scientist of significant accomplishment. He invented some laundry detergents(“All”), the fabric in use in most French drains – which likely surround your home – and the means by which most homes today expel radon, which seeps in from the depths of the earth, a silent demon come up from darkness that […]
The Annunciation: When Freedom and Love Were One
March 25, 2020
Excerpt from Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s book, The World’s First Love. The modern age, which gives primacy to sex, justifies promiscuity and divorce on the grounds that love is by its nature free—which, indeed, it is. All love is free love, in a certain sense. To be devoid of love is of the essence of hell. […]
The Strange Humility of Christmas
December 29, 2017
Of all the tremendous mysteries of our faith, there is none more stupefying in its reality than the Incarnation. That God would deign to assume human flesh is a staggering fact, and it is one that a thousand different heresies has sought to doubt or deny. And yet, it is a fast so critical to […]
Grab your Pint Glasses: International Buy a Priest a Beer Day is Coming!
September 5, 2017
Grab your pint glasses and phone your Fathers! Next Saturday, September 9*, is International Buy a priest a beer day! On this festive day, faithful Catholics all over the world take their priests out for a beer and get to know them better. It’s a beautiful Catholic tradition that goes back to the time of […]
The Assumption: Why It Matters for You
August 15, 2016
The perfection of all virtues and gifts of God is beatitude. In other words, the more perfect virtue and use of the gifts of God are, the more perfect is one’s happiness. And there is no greater happiness than to see God. That is why it is called the beatific vision and is the final […]
Catholic Men: Meet Your King
November 18, 2015
The world of men is careening into greater and greater chaos. Blood thirsty slaughter of civilians by Islamists. The wholesale holocaust of babies through abortion. The growing power of secular governments and media juggernauts who use propaganda and advertising to manipulate opinion and control the masses. The edicts of judges that overturn the age old understanding of […]
Jesus Christ: Divine King
November 24, 2014
Modern Man’s Aversion to Kings and Kingdoms The word “monarchy” comes from the Latin, monarchia, meaning, “absolute rule, the ruling of one.” Monarchies, a form of human government, are ruled by a king (or queen) and have been around since early human history. Much of Western civilization has its roots in monarchies. Today, while about 20% […]
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