Category: Monasticism
The Masculine Genius
November 26, 2024
Women as feminine are made to actively receive the other. What does that make the masculine? We as men are made to actively initiate love. When rooting in this identity, we can make simple changes to be men that influence society.
November 19, 2024
A life marked by silence is not just for monastics or religious. We all need to make space for silence. The benefits of silence are necessary for both our bodies and our souls. “Come away by yourselves to a lonely place, and rest a while." (Mark 6:31).
Every Man a Monk
February 8, 2022
The young curé of Georges Bernanos’ The Diary of a Country Priest (1937) ruminates about monks (Carthusian and Trappist): What miracle enables these semi-lunatics, these prisoners of their own dreams, these sleepwalkers, apparently to enter more deeply each day into the pain of others? An odd sort of dream, an unusual opiate which, far from turning him back into himself and isolating him from his fellows, unites the individual with mankind in the spirit of universal charity!
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