Category: Art
Why Beauty Hurts
January 3, 2024
The experience of beauty brings joy and delight because, for a brief moment, something that feels complete touches our life. Every encounter with beauty is both a promise that fulfillment is possible and a taste of what it might be like.
You have never heard a Sacred Music Choir like Floriani
May 31, 2019
Whether it is exploring the splendor of a 13th century cathedral or one of the seven wonders of the world, many will agree that with these moments come a profound sense of God’s Presence. This same experience is one I came to know through a Catholic men’s schola called Floriani. After hearing much praise about […]
7 Lessons in Evangelization from Jordan Peterson
May 10, 2018
Recently, an unlikely thinker has exploded on the world stage. His name is Jordan Peterson. A Canadian clinical psychologist and professor, he is an unlikely candidate for a global intellectual superstar. Yet, his YouTube channel has over a million subscribers, his recent book has risen to a global bestseller, and his current lecture tour is […]
Art for God’s Sake: An Interview with Artist Daniel Mitsui
May 31, 2016
For years now, I have been captivated by the stunning work of Catholic artist Daniel Mitsui. Daniel is a master of his craft, illuminating manuscripts with the same skill and attention to detail as the great medieval artists. His work is both bold and intricate, and it leaps to life with vibrant colors and commanding […]
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