Category: Theology
8 Ways to Put the Fear of God in Your Children
February 21, 2024
A man’s concept of God shapes the most significant aspects of who he is. At the same time, the idea a man has of God is usually not chosen – he learns it by observing the manner in which other men he respects relate to God.
Repentance and the Fatherhood of God
June 21, 2017
One of the most common mistakes we make is thinking of sin as merely a legal matter. That is, that it sin is only about breaking a code of laws and rules and righteousness about conforming to them. But to think of sin and righteousness in strictly legal terms is to miss the point. Sin […]
Merciful Justice: Finding Hope in God’s Most Feared Attribute
October 19, 2016
Of all the attributes of God, the one we find the most distasteful and even terrifying is his justice. The idea that God is a consuming fire and a fearsome judge is more than a bit unsettling. We are sinners, and thus prefer the thought of God’s infinite mercy. But I would propose that God’s […]
The Biblical Boots of the Papacy
January 20, 2015
Do you remember that one scene in Toy Story when Sheriff Woody, unsure of his vocation, doubts his authority over the rest of the gang? Woody’s been insulted and abandoned, his motives have been questioned, threats to domestic security are only getting scarier, and he’s feeling very, well, very human. It’s been a long story, […]
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