Category: Purity
Chastity is For Everyone
December 3, 2024
Married men need to understand the definition of chastity too. From the Catechism, chastity is the successful integration of sexuality within a person. This is more than abstinence or avoiding impurity; it is love.
Views on Healthy Sexuality: The World vs. The Church
July 24, 2024
Many believe the Catholic teachings on sexual morality are antiquated and place too much of a burden on people today. However, it’s these very beliefs that help us understand what healthy relationships and sexuality are all about.
Fatherhood and the Rise of Pornography
April 3, 2024
God wants all men to be strong leaders, providers, and protectors. By recognizing our wounds and turning to God, and professionals when needed, the attachment wounds that fuel addiction can be healed!
Boundaries – 5 Tips to Maintain Chastity
January 10, 2024
Avoiding pornography requires a person to set clear boundaries with people, places, things, technology, and situations that might lead him to return to pornography use.
Chains of Freedom: A Uniquely Catholic Antidote to Masturbation
February 15, 2019
It’s still early in the new year, and resolutions and fresh starts are still inspiring us. Lent approaches. Many readers of The Catholic Gentlemen are participating in the ascetic rigors of Exodus 90. This is in many ways the most proper time of year for the unchaste, especially those with long-term addictions to pornography and […]
Pornography and Education: Closing Windows of Wonder
May 1, 2018
In older days, a young woman was assigned her first teaching post in a rural Irish schoolhouse. Though a diligent and disciplined person, she had difficulty capturing the attention of her rowdy students. Then one day, unruly as usual, she happened to say something about Cuchulain. “Who’s Cuchulain?” one boy asked. The teacher began to […]
Give Up Porn for Lent
February 10, 2016
I know, I know, I’ve been writing about porn and purity a lot lately. But there’s a good reason—It’s a HUGE problem. When 64% of Christian men admit to watching porn at least monthly, and at least 21% of youth pastors admit to being addicted, there’s no point in pretending it isn’t happening. As my good friend […]
4 Out of 5 Catholic Men Confess This Sin
January 12, 2016
They confess to looking at pornography and masturbating. It’s awkward, I know, to say it so candidly, but the only way to defeat pornography in our lives is to admit that we have a widespread problem with it. Vice, Firmly Entrenched By the time I was in high school, the habit of lusting after women via […]
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