Category: The Country Gentleman
The Hero Always Comes Home
October 5, 2016
We should be reluctant to divide things that are not divided. Or, if we are to divide things, we do so in a way that allows for them to be reunited so as to be more fruitful. God, for example, “divides” Eve from the side of Adam, but then brings them together into beautiful fruitfulness. […]
Ite! The Necessity of Discipline
September 2, 2016
This post is part of a series. I hated discipline in high school. I did not like to do homework. I did not like to get up early. It seemed like the only reason to be disciplined was to get good grades, then get into a good college, then get a good job, then get […]
Ite! Go Forth With Friends
August 26, 2016
This post is part of a series. One of the times Jesus says “Go!” is pretty scary. In the Gospel of Luke He sends His disciples on a preaching mission saying, “Go your way; behold I send you out as lambs among wolves” (Luke 10:3). I live on a little farm and I can tell […]
Ite! The Call to Go Forth in Christ
August 17, 2016
Today, I begin a series geared especially toward young men that have experienced a renewed commitment to Christ or a recent conversion. The series is titled Ite, is Latin for “go”. I once taught my three-year-old son to climb up on the lower branches of a cedar tree. I left for a while and when […]
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