Category: Books
Smash Your TV — and Your Smartphone While You’re at It
October 1, 2024
The television and all technology can diminish the abundant life that Jesus calls us to live. Why not take radical measures to free ourselves from enslavement to a box in our living room?
50 Books for the Boys and Men in Your Life
December 7, 2022
The Catholic Gentleman connected with our friends at Homeschool Connections, Walter and Maureen, to discuss good books that fathers can read to their sons or encourage their sons to read. They sent us quite a list. You can find the original article on Homeschool Connections here.
A Toast to J.R.R. Tolkien!
January 3, 2020
A very happy 128th birthday to the great myth-maker and devout Catholic (and one of my favorite writers), J.R.R. Tolkien! Tolkien’s writings are richly textured and immersive. He was more than an author. He was a “sub-creator” of an incredibly complex world, replete with exotic and unforgettable creatures, invented languages, histories, and characters. His legends […]
UPDATE: The Catholic Gentleman Book
April 24, 2019
For some time now, I have been talking about the release of my book, The Catholic Gentleman: Living Authentic Manhood Today. I originally was informed by my publisher that the release would take place at the end of April, around Easter. Amazon also reflected this release date, and many of you who pre-ordered the book […]
What Jayber Crow Can Teach Us About the Priesthood and Celibacy
April 4, 2019
As someone who sees perennial bachelorhood as a societal sickness, recommending Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry might seem counterproductive. Jayber, Berry’s main character in the novel, is a small-town barber that finds himself an “ineligible bachelor,” as he puts it. He never marries, never has kids, and in that way is “free” of the burdens […]
Announcing the Official Catholic Gentleman Book
March 15, 2019
If you’ve been following me on social media, you’ve no doubt seen me make mention of the fact that I’ve been working on a book for some time now. Today, I am now pleased to announce that The Catholic Gentleman: Living Authentic Manhood Today will be available for purchase on April 22, just in time […]
7 Books that Should Be on Your Shelf in 2019
March 7, 2019
The saints tell us that reading a good Catholic book can enrich your soul and help you grow in holiness. And I’ve found that maxim true in my own life. Here are 7 books I recommend reading this year. 1. Tradition and Sanity: Conversations & Dialogues of a Postconciliar Exile (Dr. Peter Kwasniewski) In our […]
Book Review: The Beer Option
December 19, 2018
I have to be honest, there’s something so empty to me in big, grand Catholic evangelical efforts. You know the type – “transforming your family with 3 easy things;” “an evening workshop that will change your marriage forever.” The more dynamic it claims to be, and the grander the promise of impacting the entire society, the […]
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