Category: Agrarianism
The Fact of Food: Eating as the Basis of Culture
August 10, 2018
Something has gone wrong with our culture, or at least it seems that way by how many people make a living criticizing it, trying to fix it, or checking out of it altogether. That last one is impossible, but it makes a good story. Just consider how many institutes, apostolates, and publications say they are […]
Gardening as Medicine for Millennials, and the Rest of Us
April 12, 2017
The literature on millennials is extensive. And I have not read it. But as a college professor, I have lived and worked with them day in and day out for many years. More and more I realize that I face the same challenges they do. I offer no precise diagnosis of the problems millennials face. […]
The Benedict Option in Practice: Living the Rural Life is Surprisingly Normal
February 23, 2017
Some tend to treat a move to the country as if it is a move to something wildly different from “normal” life. As someone who lives in the country, I have an opinion there, but first – a lot of people are talking about rural life these days, so where did all this talk come […]
Two Acres and a Cow: Our Back to the Land Adventure
September 20, 2016
My wife and I have had a dream for several years. We’ve dreamt of a little house in the country with a few acres, a big garden, and some chickens—a life close to the land and in touch with the rhythms of the earth. We’ve envisioned a place where we could learn to work with our hands […]
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