Category: Gratitude
A Simple Lent: 5 Ways to Focus on What’s Important
March 4, 2020
Life is complex. As a husband and father, blogger, podcaster, full-time employee, and full-time graduate student, it often seems like the responsibilities I face continue to multiply endlessly, while the time allotted to accomplish them does not. No sooner do I make progress in one area of life, than another domain for which I am […]
Living with Gratitude When Battling Porn Addiction
November 27, 2019
Often people who are enslaved by pornography addiction only see the problems with their lives. They are trapped in a cycle of negativity and pessimism. They live with bitterness, resentment, and feel unworthy of receiving anything good in their lives, especially love. In Alcoholics Anonymous this is called “stinking thinking.” Overcoming this mindset is crucial for healthy […]
All That We Owe: A Thanksgiving Reflection
November 20, 2019
When learned men begin to use their reason, then I generally discover they haven’t got any. G.K. Chesterton Tis an age of scientific marvels. Let’s imagine a group of researchers board a spaceship and travel through space a thousand light years, to a distant planet the size of a star. NASA has long searched for […]
Life’s Not Fair: Finding Joy by Accepting Things As They Are
March 28, 2017
One of the most pernicious lies of the modern world is that life is supposed to be easy and comfortable. There is even a sense in which moderns believe they are entitled to this comfort and ease—that it is some sort of fundamental human right. Many of us have absorbed this subtle thinking, even though we […]
The Sacrifice of Praise
November 25, 2015
Have you ever wondered what a human being is made for? What are people really supposed to do? Simply, were made to be eucharistic people. In Greek, the word eucharistia means “giving of thanks; gratitude; thanksgiving.” That is our purpose, to render thanks to God. Put another way, thanksgiving is not simply a duty or an obligation—it is our […]
In Everything Give Thanks
January 15, 2015
Recently, my wife and I watched the excellent movie, The Song of Bernadette, the story of St. Bernadette Soubirous, the seer of Lourdes. One scene in particular was especially moving: After the village school children completed their lessons well, a priest rewards them for their good behavior by giving them holy cards. Now, a holy card doesn’t sound particularly exciting to us, […]
Contentment: The Secret of Happiness
November 6, 2014
It was a beautiful, clear Colorado day. My friends and I loaded the back of a truck with guns and ammunition and drove out to a section of state forest often used as a shooting range by locals. We also brought with us old junk to blow to smithereens, including a TV set and some […]
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