Category: Virtue
The Virtue of Magnanimity
February 4, 2025
One does not wake up one day and suddenly be great. Greatness or magnanimity is a virtue talked about by St. Thomas Aquinas that can be developed. Here are five concrete ways to grow in this virtue.
Why Sports Are More than “Just a Game”
January 21, 2025
Sports have the function of giving young men the opportunity to develop the virtues necessary in becoming strong Catholic men. Sports can give us men a real chance of cementing these character strengths into their person long after the season is over. These virtues are Diligence, Discipline, Sacrifice, Focus, and Courage.
Suffering The Consequences Of Sin
August 22, 2024
After time spent in the confessional, a priest, in due time, will begin to recognize that the genesis of a great deal of suffering is due to sin.
Now is the Time: Live Differently from the World
August 7, 2024
To all of those who thought we could scrape by without much fuss—continuing to live quietly in the midst of the world, living our Christian faith without any conflict or much attention—that time has passed
Talking At Each Other
July 31, 2024
Human beings are profoundly communal, and it should come as no surprise to us that friendship is a sacred gift we all desire. But not all friendships are the same.
Views on Healthy Sexuality: The World vs. The Church
July 24, 2024
Many believe the Catholic teachings on sexual morality are antiquated and place too much of a burden on people today. However, it’s these very beliefs that help us understand what healthy relationships and sexuality are all about.
How to Receive the Eucharist Worthily
July 17, 2024
Catholics receive the Eucharist regularly, but we do not focus our attention on preparing to receive Christ worthily and fruitfully in the sacrament. The danger is complacency and allowing obstacles to creep in that block the graces of the Eucharist from taking root in us.
Being a Man in a Church Who Is Bride
June 5, 2024
We cannot be severed from the body of the Church without falling into the danger of hell, and we cannot neglect our mission to love and convert the world lest we fall into impotence and lukewarmness.
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