Opening Day, Catholicism, and Looking Up to the Saints

April 7, 2022
The greatest heroes will always be those who can leave it all behind, for the sake of God.

Knowing Yourself and Overcoming Addictions

April 6, 2022
Today Sam and John discuss addictions, what they are, how to define and understand them, and how to continuously work throughout life to overcome them as Catholic men. We go into the clear and clinical breakdown of addictions with a big 'A' versus a little 'a'. We discuss the difference between substance versus behavioral addictions and how to overcome each. How do we break free from that which is keeping us in bondage or tempting us to addictions and further comfort?

How to Keep Your Children Catholic

March 30, 2022
In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, Sam and John discuss a great concern that parents and grandparents have when reflecting on the future of their children. Will they continue to be Catholic? We detail ways that we as men and fathers can truly guide and help our children maintain and embrace the Catholic faith after they leave the home.

A Digital Etiquette – A Catholic Guide for Using Social Media

March 30, 2022
We believe that the Church is an “instrument” of “the unity of the whole human race,” but Catholic Twitter would seem to profess otherwise. Catholic social media as a whole can often seem like a hotbed of division, calumny, and rancor. This state of affairs shouldn’t be surprising given the amount of heretical ideas and schismatic solutions floating around ecclesiastical spheres. But what then can be done? Should we censor ourselves then and only speak about non-divisive issues? Not if we are going to be faithful to the Truth of the Gospel.

Why Should Every Man Build A Library?

March 23, 2022
In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, Sam and John discuss a great Catholic tradition of building and maintaining libraries. This tradition stems back to the early Church, and we have an obligation to maintain it today. Find out why every gentleman should cultivate a personal library of his own.

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