Fatherhood and the Rise of Pornography

April 3, 2024
God wants all men to be strong leaders, providers, and protectors. By recognizing our wounds and turning to God, and professionals when needed, the attachment wounds that fuel addiction can be healed!

On Pornography: Temptation, Addiction, and Loving Thy Neighbor

May 4, 2022
In the internet age, this particular struggle has become one of the most common denominators for us men. Our moral development has simply been too slow to keep pace with our technological development. For those of us men who are tempted to look or struggling to quit looking, it certainly doesn’t help that our culture has become so saturated with sexual imagery over the past few decades.

Guilt, Shame, and Healing from Pornography

June 16, 2020
This post is part of an ongoing series on healing from pornography addiction. Read more posts in this series here. One of the most difficult obstacles to overcome for both the pornography user and his/her spouse is shame.  In order to understand shame, we need to distinguish it from guilt:  Guilt:  An emotion that focuses […]

Podcast Ep. 2: Hope and Healing from Pornography Addiction with Dr. Peter Kleponis

January 24, 2020
Pornography addiction is an uncomfortable topic, and many would rather ignore its prevalence. But in a world where over half of men regularly look at pornography at least once per week, ignoring it would be foolish. It is causing real harm to individuals, marriages, and families and crippling men’s ability to lead as they desire […]

Pornography and Education Part 2: Reopening Windows of Wonder

May 8, 2018
My school was recently visited by two monks from the Benedictine Monastery in Norcia, Italy. After talking to our students joyfully about the monastic life, they told the faculty gravely that one of the main reasons they turn down their many applicants is the problem of pornography. They gave us their opinion that there is no […]

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